Stainless Steel

28" tall x 24" wide x 16" deep

79 lbs

71cm tall x 61cm wide x 41cm deep

36 kg

In an edition of 20

Composed of ribbons of energy that capture the process of engaging all levels of being in order to be fully human. This work offers the viewer a static, reflective surface which resides at the core of all energy and complexity that comprise the individual psyche. In this way, My Mirror’s Remains suggests that perhaps the true state of observation is simply reflecting back on what is around despite the apparent maze-like features of existence. While the mirror is simply a tool, it is up to the seeker as to how they choose to use it. Will the mirror develop for observation and reflection or will it be projected into the world? In this way, Bruvel attempts to evoke our spontaneous, unconditioned states of mind and the possibility of stillness at the center, while also reflecting the continuous flux of the self and psyche.


